Military Spouse & Veterans Hiring

Veteran & Military Spouse Hiring

GEMS - Gainful Employment for Military Spouses

IST has found that by hiring the most skilled, diverse and motivated employees to perform on-site services at our client offices, we are able to not just meet the quality expectations of our clients, but we can exceed them. IST strives to hire military spouses because, characteristically, you are motivated and team-oriented with a strong work ethic and distinguish yourselves as outstanding employees.

Highlights include:

Family oriented company culture rooted in loyalty and service

Relocation options in 40 continental states

Organizational nationwide upward mobility

Full support of military spouse lifestyle and understanding of need for flexibility 

PaYS - the Partnership for Your Success Program

IST has partnered with the US Army and The Partnership for Your Success (PaYS) Program, a strategic partnership between the U.S. Army and a cross section of corporations, companies, and public sector agencies. The Program provides America's Soldiers with an opportunity to serve their country while they prepare for their future. PaYS Partners guarantee Soldiers an interview and possible employment after the Army. This unique Program is part of the Army's effort to partner with America's business community and reconnect America with its Army.

With operations in 40+ cities nationally and nearly 2,000 positions, IST’s dedication to finding and keeping the highest level of employees that are passionate about serving our customers is second to none.

How can IST help you?

IST is the fastest growing and largest independently owned Business Process Outsourcing company in the country. Since being founded in 1997, our core business has been providing outsourced professional, facilities and office support services. 

Providing Portable Careers

A common challenge for employment-seeking military spouses is the need for their careers to be portable. Often, the spouse’s career takes a back seat to that of the service member. With deployments, PCS moves, separations, and other military life stressors, maintaining a steady career can be quite difficult for military spouses.

IST has committed itself to supporting our highly-valued employees by creating a culture geared towards not just work responsibilities, but family responsibilities as well. IST provides the following to Military Spouses:

  • Employment continuity programs to help military spouses maintain career momentum at our facilities nationwide.
  • Flexible work schedules – full time or part time.
  • Preference/greater access to positions near military installations.
  • Considerations for spending time with families both before and after deployments.

How it Works

An interview will follow after your resume has WOWed the recruiters at IST. IST’s recruiters will create multi-format online interviews using our digital interviewing platform which is web and app-based. Your fitness for the role will be measured with a combination of multiple choice, written and video answer responses. You can do the interview from the privacy of your own home.

The average time to hire from application date to onboarding completion for an entry level role at IST is about 30 days. This will vary based on the technical requirements of the position being filled, regional market factors, and compensation versus duties and experience required.

Interested? Connect with us here.

IST utilizes its own human resources department to recruit and train all new hires. Since IST promotes from within, Military Spouses are provided with a clear career path no matter where their family commitments take them.


IST is proud to partner with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s Hiring Our Heroes Hiring 100,000 Military Spouses campaign. Our partnership with this initiative commits us to hiring military spouses which will ultimately result in a combined 100,000 military spouses hired by the end of 2021.

“This campaign is a call to action for American businesses to make military spouse employment a top priority, and by joining the Hiring 100,000 Military Spouses campaign, IST Management Services is doing just that,”

- Eric Eversole, President of Hiring Our Heroes,

Vice President at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce

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