Employees are the glue that holds a business together and having above-standard people in your organization is a surety to overall success. IST employees are hand-picked using a multi-layered process that sifts through hundreds of applicants to find that individual that will make a positive difference. Our hiring ratio is 1% of the applicants – which is lower than Harvard’s acceptance rate. We look for people that have a passion for their work, a positive attitude toward their job, and a strong inclination toward service.
Inclusion, diversity and equity bring new skills to the workplace, promote innovation and open business up to new markets. It also brings in new talent that strengthens any business, no matter what industry. At IST we believe that everyone should have access to the same opportunities and the same fair treatment.
With average 20% spend on diverse suppliers annually, we are proud to partner with diverse suppliers as part of our service provision.
To ensure these principles we follow a Diversity & Equality Policy as well as Equal Employment Opportunity & Non-Harassment policies. Our annual training, completed by all employees, includes numerous modules designed to ensure all IST employees adhere to the essential precepts of Inclusion, Diversity & Equity that make our organization great.
IST utilizes our own in-house talent acquisition team to source excellent candidates from anywhere in the nation. Our talent acquisition managers take the time to learn the specific requirements of each new position, reference our existing pipeline of pre-vetted applicants, and apply their specialized experience to place the right candidate based on each client's individual needs.
We place experienced individuals in key roles that know how to meet the demands of each client's specific needs.
Our employees present a tremendous value to our organization as well as our customers’ organizations. As such, IST offers an excellent benefits package along with numerous opportunities to earn bonuses, rewards and company recognition. These programs challenge IST employees to continue to keep striving to go above and beyond when serving our customers. In return, our employees deliver our customers with extraordinary service, going the “extra mile” to exceed your expectations.
Less than 1% Turnover of Salaried Employees.
IST provides mentorship and resources that enable employees to take ownership of their successes. Clear expectations are set, then employees are given autonomy over assignments. With constructive feedback and recognition, our employees become empowered to reach beyond their assumed limits to become creative, engaged workers. Equally, IST believes one of the best ways to keep quality employees is to reward them when they meet the challenges put in front of them.
IST hosts a quarterly auction and annual lottery called Blackman Bucks. Employees are eligible to win $2,000.
85% of our top level management has been promoted from within IST.
IST realizes the value of employees who have a vested interest in the long-term success of the company and provides thirteen grade levels for promotion and compensation. We hire the best employees and do what it takes to make sure they have what they need to succeed. IST offers more training, technology and people programs to its employees than any other facilities management company in the country. We are also proud to have promoted 85% of our top-level management team from within IST.
IST’s Site Manager Candidate Program was developed to identify future leaders of our organization.
IST has created a culture of continuous learning for our employees and the return on investment for that training has been immense. IST believes in our employees and wants each of them to succeed and grow in their respective positions. In order for employees to succeed, they must be given the resources and training to perform the responsibilities of the position they hold, as well as, the position they want to move into.
We combine on the job training with advanced training modules designed to maximize each employee’s individual learning style. With traditional on-line training tutorials, interactive video lessons, and management candidate training programs we offer a comprehensive approach to ensuring our employees achieve their potential.
IST Management Services, Inc.
1341 Moreland Ave SE, Atlanta, GA 30316