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What a Community Builds

IST Gives Back

What a Community Builds

Keeping community part of our process isn't a new concept at IST Management. Our monthly passion projects allow us to connect with our nationwide operation and identify areas of need where we can work together to contribute positively. We've also been fortunate to have many leaders invest their entire careers with IST, so seeing what a community can build has literally built IST. 


Last month, some of our corporate teams got to work with one of our favorite organizations, MUST Ministries, to support their annual Toy Shop and deliver a special present from IST Management. 

Shopping with Purpose: The Toy Shop

For years, MUST Ministries has organized the Toy Shop, an event exclusively supported by donations, both in supplies and workforce, to serve over 5,000 children and families in Cobb and Cherokee counties during the holiday season. This event has become a whole operation where many leave with cartloads of toys, clothing, essentials, and smiling faces.


IST's Marketing and Events teams were fortunate to volunteer for MUST's Toy Shop, assisting shoppers in finding the items on their list. The experience left us grateful to be a part of the great work at MUST Ministries. Shoppers chose from toys (small and large), books, school supplies, clothing essentials, stocking stuffers, and plush items like blankets and stuffed animals. Some shoppers could take home bikes for their children, and the excitement they showed was powerful. With the Toy Shop, the holidays can once again be a time to celebrate family and joy rather than being financially stressful for families.

Investing in the Family Resource Center at Hope House


Last Spring, MUST Ministries officially opened their new facility, Hope House, providing over 136 individuals with shelter, food, and additional resources, like the Family Resource Center, to the greater Atlanta area. This center features iPads and laptops provided by IST Management for student and family use. This past December, we added ten more Chromebooks to their inventory. Access to technology helps children attending school have an equitable opportunity in their education and allows families the added resource to gather. Senior Program Director Emergency Housing, Keo Buford, says the additional devices have been a tremendous help for children completing school assignments and for parents monitoring their progress.


As a technology-driven company, IST Management intends to continue supporting the Family Resource Center with Chromebooks. Our Community Outreach team has a lot in store for 2023 to support our community and lead with a servant's heart.

Click here to see the thank you letters IST received from the kids who get to enjoy the new Chromebooks!

Fresh Ideas for a Healthier Future
By IST Gives Back February 27, 2025
IST is proud to begin the year partnering with the #GiveHealthy digital fresh food drive platform. Donating fresh produce directly to those in need and moving beyond traditional canned goods provide healthier and more impactful contributions to our communities in need.
IST’s Transformative 2024 Community Outreach Initiatives
By IST Gives Back November 19, 2024
It's clearer than ever that the dedication of IST's extended family has the potential to significantly impact many lives and communities. As we look ahead to 2025, we are committed to expanding and enhancing our outreach efforts, with a goal of creating change and strengthening community bonds for years to come.
Several colored glass sound bowls sit on a rug on the floor with candles, prepping for a sound bath
By IST Gives Back August 15, 2024
It can be difficult to gauge when we are experiencing an average level of daily stressors versus an unmanageable level. Company culture, communities, and individuals can benefit from increased emphasis on mindfulness and extending grace for ourselves and others through the mental healthcare process.
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