A business's competitive edge is at risk in a crowd of vendors if its outreach proves unreliable and ineffective. And as outreach grows, staying ahead of every task can feel unmanageable if left to a written system. IST's Mail Sort/Package Track (MPST) streamlines mail and soft services into a flawless operation that keeps managers informed and clients happy. Enhancing reporting from faulty excel sheets to IST's seamless proprietary database, IST Suite, MSPT verifies package distribution and management tasks are up to date.
IST guarantees a polished end-to-end solution for package receiving and delivery by issuing internal labels with tracking numbers for each parcel and recording the delivery transaction on an IST PDA. Once scanned, the tracking number downloads into IST Suite, where it is monitored throughout the delivery process until the PDA captures a time-stamped recipient signature, ending the chain of custody. MSPT's capabilities not only ensure accurate mail services, it provides metrics to help clients measure their operational efficiency.
MSPT's integration with IST Suite documents all active customers, including information relating to the shipment, such as the shipper, receiver, and carrier. This database allows us to document each step and access it at our clients' request, allowing users to compare the daily volume of packages to the cost of vendors. A client using FedEx can assess its overall cost with their production and determine if a better service level and rate are available.
MSPT can assist with replacing outdated checklists for monitoring soft service tasks. By scanning a barcode, employees can record prepared conference rooms, stocked office materials, and cleaned office equipment, which is then viewable by site managers. MSPT integrates with IST Suite to offer metrics-based reporting allowing businesses to communicate confidence in service and providing a clear solution when an error occurs.
MSPT is a proven solution that seamlessly adapts to any client's operation, keeping mail moving and business growing. Wallace Oliver, an IST Implementation Manager, has seen great success for his clients in New York. He says, "Mail sort package track; that's our bread and butter. When a package comes in, we can immediately identify it by day stamping it with a scan. We process it through our system, again, another date stamp. From inception to completion, there's a chain of custody. When someone says, 'What is mail sort package track?' I said, 'That's exactly what it is. Mail Sort, Package Track, full accountability, across the board.”
IST Management Services, Inc.
1341 Moreland Ave SE, Atlanta, GA 30316