Universities nationwide have found their preferred solution for package pickup in the IST Kiosk - a product guaranteed to revolutionize how we handle high-volume mail. Though the advantage is clear for educational institutions, the IST Kiosk has proven versatile and uniquely designed to adapt to package services for retail, hospitals, and much more.
If reducing clutter, speeding up mailroom processes, and enhancing user experience are on your wishlist, consider the IST Kiosk your proven solution.
When customers arrive at the mail center, they can self-check-in at the IST Kiosk. This process immediately notifies the IST support staff working back-of-house operations via a printed ticket that lists all the customer's packages ready for pickup.
The digital dashboard keeps the customer visually informed about the progress of their package. This way, customers have complete visibility of the process right from the moment they check-in to the notification alert that their package(s) are ready for pickup at the Customer Service Station.
What sets the IST Kiosk apart is its integration with the client's existing badge systems and IST Package Track Software. Tracking each step to a specific ID resolves common bottlenecks in package distribution and automates the package check-out processes without sacrificing security while significantly reducing wait times.
For environments dealing with high-volume package distribution, the IST Kiosk can quickly bring order to your processes with a design that doesn't detract from the brand aesthetic. Elevating customer processes to a dashboard invites clientele to participate in each step and maximizes your support staff's productivity.
Consider a warehouse retailer that experiences long check-out lines and workflows focusing on one goal at a time. The end product is a lengthy, unsatisfactory experience for your customers, regardless of the product they'll ultimately take home. With the IST Kiosk, customers can easily check-in and monitor their package retrieval, and staff can focus on multiple items simultaneously.
The IST Kiosk's ability to integrate badge IDs or personal identification into its workflow heightens the security of received items and traces any missteps to the individual client. Should any error occur, users can target it quickly and focus on the resolution while keeping operations steady. Beyond package retrieval, the IST Kiosk can enhance any workflow. By allowing the customer to be a part of the process, any task or need is efficient.
The IST Kiosk isn't just a product; it's a value-added solution designed to reduce wait times and eliminate mismanaged space, backlogs, and lost packages. It creates a digital tag that allows accessible parcel tracking from the moment it enters IST's care to the delivery time, providing the best client experience year-round.
IST Management Services, Inc.
1341 Moreland Ave SE, Atlanta, GA 30316